Tim Israel
4 min readOct 28, 2021

Chainlink significantly enhances smart contract capabilities by allowing access to real-world data and off-chain computing while keeping the security and reliability assurances inherent in blockchain technology.

What is Chainlink?

Chainlink is an Ethereum-based decentralized blockchain oracle network. Its network is designed to make it easier to send tamper-proof data from off-chain sources to on-chain smart contracts. Its inventors claim that by linking the contract directly to real-world data, events, payments, and other inputs, it may be used to check if the requirements of a smart contract are met in a way that is independent of any of the stakeholder’s contract.

For more clarity, let’s further explain the term “smart contract”. A smart contract is a computer program or a transaction protocol that is designed to execute, control, or document legally significant events and activities in accordance with the conditions of a contract or agreement. The goals of smart contracts are to reduce the need for trusted intermediaries, arbitration and enforcement costs, fraud losses, and purposeful and inadvertent exceptions.

The Chainlink products

Below are a list of products provided by Chainlink;

  • Market and Data Feeds
  • VRF
  • Keepers
  • Proof of Reserve
  • Cross-Chain Bridging (CCIP)

“Brokoli is Integrating Multiple Chainlink Solutions to Support Green NFTs and DEX Aggregator"

As of today 28th of October, Brokoli announces the deployment of many industry-leading Chainlink products, this is to support the Brokoli ecosystem. The Chainlink products integrated on Brokoli include;

  • Chainlink VRF,
  • Chainlink Keepers, and
  • Chainlink Price Feeds.

Brokoli is fusing the worlds of DeFi and gaming by utilizing Chainlink technology to help bring enhanced security, transparency, and high-quality data to both the Green NFT Metaverse and the Green DEX Aggregator.

How will the aforementioned products help Brokoli ecosytem?

Brokoli is constructing an NFT metaverse based on impact. Our suite of green solutions, which includes Green DEX Aggregator, Green dApps, and Green Investments, is designed to have a good impact on the environment.
With respect to this, Brokoli’s Green DEX Aggregator is intended to gather climate fees and generate the equivalent in impact potential tokens called ‘SEEDs’.

The number of SEEDs generated and issued to the user is determined by the USD price of the fee, which can be collected in several tokens. Chainlink Price Feeds will be used to retain the most up-to-date information on the market price of the various tokens. This will ensure that price data are secure and reliable as a result of fairness and accuracy in exchange rate and reward evaluation.

Chainlink Keepers are used in conjunction with Price Feeds to trigger the issuance of climate impact tokens, this is to ensure that the issuing SEEDs at synced as it will not always be in all cases.

Chainlink Keepers may also keep $BRKL gas prices lower to help maintain the uninterrupted generation of SEEDs, benefiting traders on the Green DEX Aggregator.

Chainlink Keepers also offers very dependable automation, eliminating the Brokoli team as a potential centralized point of failure and showcasing our commitment to decentralized infrastructure.

And lastly, the Brokoli NFT, which allows users enter the Brokoli Metaverse will utilize the Chainlink VRF product. This will be used to ensure fairness in distribution of Brokoli NFTs. Chainlink VRF will provide Brokoli with a verifiable source of on-chain randomness.

Chainlink VRF’s random number generation (RNG) will assist ensure that users receive Brokoli NFTs with traits dispersed according to secure randomization criteria, while also maintaining a transparent audit record for tracking the rarity distribution.

This is what the CEO and the Founder of Brokoli Network has to say about the Chainlink integration on Brokoli Ecosytem;

“Chainlink is synonymous with security, accuracy and reliability when it comes to hybrid smart contract solutions. It has become the industry standard in blockchain oracles over the years — and for good reason. We could not be happier to make the best use of reliable and time-tested Chainlink solutions and look forward to many more synergies as we enter the next growth phase at Brokoli,” Haroldas Pakalniskis(CEO)

About Brokoli Network

Brokoli is the ultimate sustainability layer of multi-chain DeFi.
Brokoli combines DeFi and GameFi to reward users for creating, owning, and trading good influence.

The project is divided into three stages, each with a single goal: to rapidly expand Brokoli’s user base while reducing DeFi’s carbon footprint.

  • Brokoli’s core: Environmentally friendly gateway into the most popular DEXs and dApps.
  • API: Any blockchain platform (centralised or decentralised) can implement Brokoli API to allow users to opt-in to a small climate fee that offsets their transaction’s footprint.
  • Digital Forest / Brokoli Impact Credits: Users receive NFTs based on trees they have funded the planting of by using our products and completing daily quests.

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Tim Israel

Blockchain Enthusiast, Graphics designer and Forex Trader