Method of Space Creation in KeplerSwap
As the pioneer of DeFi 2.0, KeperSwap has creatively introduced SPACE and this is aimed at strengthening the vertical ecosystem of their users and also a means to generate massive rewards while ensuring the improvement of decentralized independence.
Provided you are a liquidity provider, and have invited other users to add to the liquidity market, and you are in possession of the KeplerSwap native token ($SDS) you are eligible to apply for and own your own SPACE on the KeplerSwap platform. Having your own SPACE and being a member of a particular SPACE have its perks, members of a SPACE have the right to make key decisions on how the SPACE is to be developed and also partake in SPACE elections. As a SPACE owner, you stand a chance to be among the top twenty SPACE owners who will share the rewards generated from the SPACE elections.
The purpose of this article is to briefly explain the methods of space creation in KeplerSwap.
It is quite easy to create SPACE on KeplerSwsap, presented below are the steps to take in creating a
First of all, proceed to your metamask wallet or trust wallet mobile application and click on Dapp.
Click on the search bar and type the following wed address: and then connect your wallet to Kepler’s DApp.
After connecting your wallet, proceed to the taskbar on the home page and click on SPACE, you will then be presented with an option to create or join an existing SPACE you are at liberty to make a choice to either create your own SPACE or join an existing SPACE. Note that a certain charge will be incurred for SPACE creation (gas fees) and this will be deducted from your wallet
Select create SPACE and click on add liquidity, and add liquidity for 360 days. Note that when providing liquidity, you are required to add with a quantity not less than 100 liquidity provider tokens then click on Approve USDT to complete the process of liquidity addition. To increase your annual percentage rate (APR), it is advisable to add liquidity with more $SDS or USDT, because the larger the amount locked up, the larger the rewards you will get.
Finally, fill in the required fields to complete the SPACE creation. Select a name for your SPACE and type it in the required field the form — name of your SPACE + name of country. Then type a brief description of your SPACE. Then click on create SPACE. It is advisable to create a community for your spaced members preferably on telegram or twitter so as to enhance communication between SPACE members.
By simply following the instructions, you can now become a SPACE owner on KeplerSwap and start earning enormous rewards. It is also important to note that you can share your invite links to invite people to join your SPACE as this will be equally beneficial to you especially during the period of SPACE elections.
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